Friday 16 October 2015

The Opening Ceremony of Dengue Patrol Operational Room and COMBI 2015 (PART 1)

Date: 16th October 2015

Venue: School hall and Dengue Patrol Operational Room

Time : 10.00 am

Invited Guests: 
  • Encik Mohd Shafik bin Mohd Amin, Penolong Pegawai PPD HEM
  • Dr Syahrizal bin Abd Halim, Pegawai Kesihatan EPID Pejabat Kesihatan Daerah LMS
  • The headmasters and headmistress of Larut Matang and Selama District schools
  • PIBG
  • Parents

Registration counter

The arrival of guests

Prayer recitation by Ustaz Khairol b Mohd Yusof

A speech by the headmistress, Pn. Juriah binti Abu Bakar

A speech from Dr Syahrizal bin Abd Halim on Dengue and COMBI

En Mohd Shafik bin Mohd Amin officiates the opening ceremony

Boria performance by the Dengue Patrol 

Pantomime performance

The Master of Ceremony, Puan Fazilah binti Sulaiman

Alhamdulilah, its a wrap! Thank you for coming and continue supporting us :)

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