Saturday 3 October 2015


Right now there is no vaccine to prevent dengue fever. However, efforts are being made to produce the vaccine.

Among the preventive measures that can be made are:

Avoid mosquito bites by:

Use mosquito repellent.
Use mosquito nets while sleeping. Use the 'repellent' if necessary.
Avoid activities during mosquito is active (5.30am-8.00am and 5.30pm-8.00pm).
Wear long sleeves and long pants when out of the house.
Post a fine mesh (mosquito mesh) in windows and doors.

Eliminate mosquitoes breeding sites:

Eliminate mosquito breeding sites around the house. Discard items that can collect rain water or excess water, especially buckets, old tires, flowerpots, plastic containers and cans. If it can not be destroyed, put larvae-killing drug in containers.
Regularly change the water in pet drinking containers.

If your child is suspected of having dengue illness and monitored as an outpatient (not hospitalized), take the child immediately to a hospital / clinic if:

Vomiting / persistent.
Stomach ache.
Drowsiness / seizures.
Difficulty breathing.
Pale / cold in the hands and feet.
Bleeding: from the gums / nose, vomiting blood, bloody stools and red marks on the skin.

Source from iDenggi Malaysia


  1. Good information on preventive measure. Nice blog you have here.

  2. informasi yang sangat berguna. Terima kasih :)
